They searched my suitcase and gave me a warning...

So, a few years ago, before I was a travel expert, I got a lovely warning "note" from the TSA saying that I would be given a "warning" about carrying dangerous liquids in my suitcase.

I had packed a travel-size "Static Guard" in my suitcase. 

Yup, go ahead and fingerprint me...slap on the cuffs!! 

They told me they seized the item and searched thoroughly through my luggage. WHAT?

And along with that note was a messy suitcase when I arrived at my destination!

Super embarassing as I wasn't really clear on the liquid rules about what I could bring and what I couldn't. (Now I bring the travel size Downy wrinkle release!)

So, I want you to watch this video as I am having lots of clients who are anxious about packing liquids in their carry on luggage.  

After 9/11, flying became very strict (as I'm sure you already know).

So this TSA 3-1-1 rule is strictly followed and they WILL make you throw out excess items or items that don't meet the requirements.  

I want you to avoid anything like that, so I wanted to share it with you...even if it is just a refresher :)

---> An if you want to see how taking THESE 2 PHOTOS at the airport can save you TONS of time AND money, check out this quick video HERE!

Click to see the 2 photos NOW


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