Save Time & Money with These 2 Travel Photos

Going on a vacation is exciting...until something goes wrong.

And I've learned from BOTH of these situations and want to pass along my tips to avoid them!

--> I recommend taking these TWO PHOTOS as soon as you get to the airport that will save you LOTS of time - and possibly LOTS of money!

1.)  A photo of your car - what?

How many of you rush into a vacation but when you get back you can’t find your car?

I know you think you'll remember, but it may take you a while.

But by taking a car in the parking lot with noticeable "landmarks" of visible in the photo will help you save so much time and effort.

Check out what this client above mentioned on FB!


2.) A "selfie" with your luggage - yup!

Now, this isn't one of those photos you take so that you can share it with everyone else.

Instead it's a FULL BODY selfie.

Just in case, take a whole-body photo of you standing next to all of your luggage when you arrive at the airport.

By taking a photo this way, you can easily describe the color, the size and any other identifiable properties of the luggage in case it ends up being lost!


And if you're ready to "get lost" on vacation (in a good way...) grab my FREE Ebook: "Top 31 Ways To Save For Your Dream Vacation"!


Have any other tips on saving time & money on your vacation? Let me know!



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